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Nuno - page in French here

Painel de Azulejos do Santo Condestavel Nuno Alvares Pereira
There is a magnificent panel of tiles about the Holy Constable at the  Seminar of Cernache do Bomjardim


Nuno Alvares Pereira

Vida do Santo Condestavel
and in Mensagem de Fernando Pessoa

Photos of the Sword of Blessed Nuno Alvares Pereira
Sword of Blessed Nuno Alvares Pereira - Excalibur Fernando Pessoa - NUNALVARES :
"What halo encircles you?
It is the sword that, swirling,
Makes the lofty air lose
Its dark, soft blue.

But what sword is it that, raised aloft,
Makes that halo in the sky?
It is Excalibur, the anointed blade,
Which King Arthur bestowed upon you.

Hope accomplished,
St. Portugal in essence,
Raise your sword like a torch
To light the path for us." 
The sword of Nun'Alvares Pereira second Constable of Portugal (1360-1431), holy  warrior upon the side door of the enclosure of the chapel of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios.
Porta lateral com a espada do Beato Nuno Alvares Pereira
Nuno Alvares Pereira was a great leader and a military holy. During the Aljubarrota battle he  helped oust the Spaniards from the territory of Portugal. He was born on June 24, 1360 in Cernache do Bomjardim, was married when he was 16 years old and had 3 children. His daughter married a natural child of Dom Joao I, Afonso the first Duke of Braganza. O Bem-Aventurado Nuno de Santa Maria Pereira moreu a 1 de Abril de 1431. Blessed Nuno de Santa Maria Pereira died on April 1, 1431.
 Virginia Manso
You can locate Nossa Senhora dos Remédios in Google Maps
In the Miliray Museum - Lisbon
D. Nuno Álvares Pereira. 1904, óleo sobre tela, 260 x 160 cm
   Luciano Freire 1904, oil on canvas, 260 x 160 cm